Wow, so a lot of Eve anti-Developer sentiment has been sweeping across the player base since the introduction of the latest game update "Incarna" came out.
I have been scanning third party news services for the game for awhile and have heard many people complaining about a lack of attention given to the "meat and potatos" aspect of Eve which is space-ship combat and related space-ship activities.
The new patch added a human avatar for players and a "Captains Quarters" for them to walk around in. Being that there is nothing to do in the tiny space except watch endless loops of video on screen and sit your avatar down in front of the screen on a couch.
Also, added in the patch was a store to buy digital clothes using real money at exorbitant prices such as the seventy dollar monocle.
This did not please many players inciting an ingame riot with many thousands of players swearing to unsubscribe. An emergency meeting was held by CCP studios with the game players advocates the CSM. The meeting minutes were then withheld from the public by CCP stating that the tone of the minutes should be re-written. Several months later and still no minutes are forthcoming.
Today a CSM leader and game player The Mittani wrote a forum post and gave an interview with others on Eve Radio and according to him the time has nearly come to put some pressure on CCP by going to various gaming media sources and espouse the unhappiness many are having with the game at the moment.
I agree! If you are unhappy with the current direction you find Eve going in, you should use your voice and spread the word about "That fantastic game that is now being developed off course and down into Fail Valley". Complain directly to CCP, complain to your friends, and complain to the media.