New BC's are coming soon and this has excited me to no end. It is perhaps the best content announced for the winter update so far. I love new ships very much and these ships should be easy to afford skill and Isk wise. The very reason I came back to Eve was the introduction of the Noctis. When I found out that that salvaging monster was in the game I dumped everything and re-upped. Being a salvage freak also helped, I guess.
Has anyone else noticed that CCP has been giving us things in spurts as well? Ship spinning was introduced in a patch and I hear tell that the new font will come as well before the winter expansion. Seems like CCP is high gearing things for our beloved space MMO. Looks like Occupy Jita was a success.
Sadly for me, finding free time is harder and harder these days what with crazy RL concerns. I really want to get my PVP going but have only had time to log on and make the odd PVE Isk making venture. That and a huge amount of other games are out vying for my attention.